
Mobile Rock and Gem Society periodically offers classes to its members on lapidary and jewelry related subjects.  A schedule of classes is provided to members in the monthly newsletter and in email updates.

While we encourage guests to come and visit our monthly membership meetings to learn more about the classes we offer, participation in classes is limited to club members only.

We ask all participants in a class to make a small donation ($5) to help offset the cost of operating the building.  Some classes may have additional fees.  Check with an officer for details.

Cabbing Workshop

Experienced club members are on hand to help members learn how to use the cabbing equipment and learn lapidary techniques. Club members are encouraged to come out and work on lapidary projects when the workshop is open.  The workshop is normally open on the Saturday after the club meeting from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The workshop is usually open other days during the week/month. These are listed in the member’s monthly newsletter.

Faceting Classes

Learn to facet gemstones!  The club has faceting machines available for club members who wish to learn how to facet.  There is a waiting list for seats in the faceting classes.  If you are interested in learning to facet, please talk to one of the officers about getting on the list.

Wire Wrap

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make wire wrapped jewelry?

Classes from beginner to advanced are held throughout the year.  Classes are announced in the monthly newsletter.